If you want to be part of that eCommerce race and grow your business faster, even if you have a physical store, it is time you invest in developing an eCommerce website. But, before you jump the bandwagon of having an eCommerce website, here are eCommerce website features that you need to integrate for the best result.
1. Enhanced UX and UI
When launching an eCommerce business, the most crucial decision is to choose the best user experience for your webstore to manage products and transactions. When you are keen on developing an eCommerce website for your business, keeping it simple is the key to ensuring customer engagement. A good design with elegance, an enhanced user interface (UI), and a good user experience (UX) will increase customer traction. This is one of the vital features of eCommerce website development. The objective of creating a website for online shopping should be to offer your customers a faster and more efficient purchasing and searching experience. The buying process should be seamless, where unnecessary difficulty shouldn’t be blocking the path to getting the details about the product, brand, or the business. Having a user-friendly website is a must because, as an online retailer, you have only a few minutes, at times seconds, to impress your consumer and make the sale. Keep your customers at the center when designing the website and provide them with options to make shopping easy.
2. Mobile- friendly
As mentioned earlier, with more customers opting to use mobile devices for online purchases, any eCommerce website features list should include mobile-friendly web development. A developer must have the knowledge to create content that can intuitively adapt to the consumer’s device to navigate the purchase. Creating a mobile-friendly eCommerce website will increase your sales and your SERP ranking.
3. Search bar with strong & quicker results capabilities
On eCommerce websites, 30% of visitors will use the search bar to find products according to their needs. Customers who use the search bar on an eCommerce site to search for products will be a group of customers who clearly show purchase intent. Customers will often enter a product name and expect to navigate the search page itself as quickly as possible.
Ecommerce Site Search Best Practices -
Make the search box easy to spot
Make the search box big enough for typical queries
Personalize search suggestions with the use of advanced algorithms
Strong error tolerance for an uninterrupted user journey
Search queries autocomplete
Natural Language Processing for better results
Comprehensive analytics for easy improvements and reporting
4. Simple Checkout Process & Multiple Payment Gateways
The checkout process is the grand finale of any eCommerce website. Try to make it as simple as possible for the users. The checkout process varies according to the strategy of eCommerce and its business goals. Whatever the strategy is, the aim is always to ensure that the checkout process occurs. Hence, it is imperative to optimize the eCommerce checkout process.
5. High-quality Images & Videos
One photo for the product is not enough anymore. As an eCommerce site, you have to give high-definition images of the products and use the product in a video to create an impression on your customers. The photos must have the zoom feature, and they shouldn’t pixelate as the customer zooms in.
It is also essential that the images and the videos have very little patience for loading. So, if the loading time is more than 10 seconds to 20 seconds, then the viewer leaves the website. Therefore, as an eCommerce site owner, you must ensure that the videos and images are not only of high quality but also load faster across all devices.
6. Robust Security
With online eCommerce transactions being the norm, it also lures cybercriminals. As the website owner, you must warrant the protection of the seller and buyer’s details. You have to ensure all the privacy and sensitive data are secured on your website. Security is one of the best characteristics of a good eCommerce website. With many eCommerce websites offering robust security systems, you must select the one that offers features like:
Two-factor authentication
SSL certification
Choose a hosting service that is PCI-compliant
Monitoring of all the transactions
Requirement of CVV when cards are used
7. Return Policy
One criterion of what makes a good eCommerce website is a written return policy. Any eCommerce store that needs to succeed should offer a viable return policy on certain goods. For example, when you want to build trust among your customers by providing them the option to return the item when they are not satisfied with the purchase because there is a defect, the brand is different, or the size does not fit.
It is also important to mention in the policy the time within which it can be returned and any products out of the return policy.
With eCommerce becoming a popular way to sell products and reach consumers due to its presence on the internet platform, you must consider getting a feature-rich eCommerce website for your business, irrespective of its size and age.
Now, if you are convinced enough to have an eCommerce front for your business, you should seek advice from a professional eCommerce agency, and we’re here to help. Get in touch with us for more details.
As a leading NetSuite consulting firm, GIR Software Services enables your organization to create sustainable long-term business values. Our multi-talented team has technical and functional expertise that can help your business to implement NetSuite ERP solutions, EDI integrations, and implement an eCommerce website.
We can also provide managed NetSuite support services to build a strong foundation.
Learn more about us to see how GIR Software Services can help your business grow!